Maggie Fiorella Winter
OTR/L, RYT 200 Yoga Instructor and Owner of Purple Sun + Moon Yoga

Maggie began her dharma to help others early in life. At twenty-one, she was on a journey as an Occupational Therapist working primarily with children on the spectrum. She had already started her own yoga practice and knew the magical shifts that were happening within. After implementing numerous yoga techniques with these specific children, she noticed a significant change in their level of concentration, body awareness, and overall well being. Because of these profound effects, and her individual growth in her own practice, it inspired her to receive her Hatha Yoga 200hr training as well as specific Certifications to become a Children’s Yoga Teacher, Prenatal Yoga Teacher and a Yoga Teacher for Chronic Illness. Maggie has always had a special interest in children who have sensory processing difficulties and is also certified by Color Me Yoga for working with Special Needs Children and Integrating Yoga and Other Mind/Body Techniques.

Maggie’s own difficulties with Chronic Lyme disease opened the doors to many fantastic energy healers. She knew in order to heal completely, the work that had to be done was not only on the physical plane but also healing our past wounds on an emotional and energetic level. Yoga and energy healing sessions go hand in hand to help support our well-being and to keep us grounded. Maggie loves to give energy healing sessions and is a certified Polarity Therapist, has her Reiki Master certifications, and has taken some workshops on the science of foot reflexology. Together, she combines these healing modalities to provide healing sessions for people.

Maggie loves life and expresses herself through dance, music, art, and yoga. In her classes, Maggie encourages adults and children to explore and feel what is right for his/her body without being afraid to fall or make mistakes. She teaches a fun and lively class to all sorts of people and levels and makes a point to focus on personal growth and truth. She is so lucky to be doing what she is passionate about. She gives thanks and gratitude every day for this opportunity.


Julie Pottier-Brown. e-RYT 200 + RYT 500

Julie came to yoga while expecting her first child in 1996. She was looking for a physical practice safer than roller blading. Luckily she was already fit as she walked right into the Astanga practice. Her first teacher, Steeve Buelher, invited her to start teaching the following year. Julie holds a certificate in Embodyoga® Astanga, earned her RYT 200 credentials with Elaine Wintman of Swallowtail Yoga School in 2010. She earned her RYT 500 with Patty Townsend, founder of Embodyoga® at Yoga Center Amherst in 2018. Influenced by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body Mind Centering, Astanga, Iyengar, and the Sivananda practice, Julie's classes draw from these influences and weave together asana, pranayama & philosophy. We are all householders, doing our best to find balance and fulfill our dharma. Come to your mat drop out of your mind to find refuge in the body; and in the infinite possibility of self.

Meghan Holtz, Yoga Instructor RYT 200

As a child, Meghan was introduced to meditation and kirtan by her father, but really began a devoted asana practice in 2000, seeking a renewed relationship to her body after giving birth to twins. She first explored Hatha, Iyengar and Astanga, and as a schoolteacher, she connected to instructors who taught with compassion, rigor, and a healthy dose of humor. In the depths of the pandemic, she finally found both the time and confidence to begin the path to teaching yoga, studying with Hilary McIlvene and Marc St. Pierre through the North Shore School of Yoga and ultimately receiving her 200 hr teacher training through the School of Yoga at the Salty Buddha in 2021. Her classes reflect her joy in the practice, and it is her hope that students will find strength, ease, and connection in their own practice.

Andrew Squier 200 RYT

Andrew began his yoga practice in 2007 while at Tufts University in Boston. He has an athletic, compassionate style that is built on his study of Ashtanga Yoga and various forms of Vinyasa Yoga. His first guru was Elliott McEldowney of O2 Yoga who taught him the importance of effort, intention, and dedication in your yoga practice. Andrew earned his 200 RYT in San Francisco at The Mindful Body (Class of 2013), under the guidance of Maile Sivert and Caroline Kelley. After teaching for three years in San Francisco (at The Mindful Body, Bernal Yoga, Maiden Lane Studios and Just Breathe Yoga SF), and for one year in San Diego (at Yoga One and Grotto Climbing and Yoga), he is now back in the Boston area and teaching on the north shore.

Andrew found yoga through a love of personal fitness, anatomy, and nutrition. After studying physical theater and dance, he spent two years in New York City as an actor and movement director. He uses his substantial knowledge of anatomy and body mechanics to guide his students through asana and to give clear and supportive physical adjustments. Andrew strives to create a meditative environment that allows his students to delve deep within themselves.

Marilyn Whalen, Yoga Instructor RYT 300
RN, MS Health Care

Marilyn has worked more than 30 years in various healthcare settings as a certified Rehabilitation Nurse. Marilyn has received over 300 hours of continuous ongoing yoga teacher training education at Kripalu Yoga Center in Lenox, MA. In 2001, Marilyn became certified as a Cardiac Yoga Teacher. In 2016 Marilyn became certified in Yin Yoga. 

Marilyn has taught yoga in a variety of settings throughout her life. She has taught a gentle yoga class at Healthworks, Teaches a class called yoga for a better back at Lynn Union Hospital and has been a teacher at Prana Yoga, now called Green Tea Yoga since 1999. She has conducted numerous community classes and lectures on Yoga for "your health" and has been a guest speaker on cable TV on yoga specifically for senior citizens. Marilyn has over 4000 hours of teaching experience and is an amazing leader and top educator in the field of injury free yoga for everyone.

Nora Salmon, Yoga Instructor RYT 200

Nora grew up in Beverly and has been a yoga practitioner for over 25 years. She has explored yoga with teachers across different parts of the globe, learning about yoga as a meditative and spiritual practice, and she loves the community she finds through yoga. She completed her 200 hour training at Boston Yoga Union and her teaching and practice are rooted in Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Rasa yoga.  In her classes she loves to find a balance of playful movement and stillness by incorporating a fluid flow and approach where people feel safe to explore movement in a way that feels good in their body, mind, and spirit. 

Felicia McDonald, Yoga Instructor RYT 200

Hello there! My birth name is Felicia McDonald (she/they). I also use a given spiritual name, Shakti Teja Kaur. Call me Shakti, I love it! I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki practitioner for over a dozen years. Experiencing a great deal of the physical body with massage clients and energetically thru reiki, Kundalini yoga pairs perfectly well. In 2020 during the COVID pandemic, I started a virtual Kundalini journey with a few different teachers. Kundalini has changed my life, and the transformations carry on. I was so moved by what I was experiencing, there was a strong call for me to do a teacher training (200 hours) in 2021. This year I started teaching classes, sharing this life-changing yoga practice. An immense amount of gratitude to all the teachers in my life and my own personal experience with Kundalini through daily practices. I will forever be a student, continuously learning. Truly a blessing to be able to connect you all to this knowledge. I can’t keep it all to myself. I like to offer a comfortable, supportive, safe space for all to process and experience what you need to on your personal voyage.

Kirsty Yetter, Yoga Instructor RYT 200

Kirsty has been studying yoga and movement for over twenty years. She received her yoga teacher training in Dharamshala, India in 2011 and began teaching in 2017. She teaches Introduction to Yoga at Salem State University as well as teaches at various studios on the Northshore. Her Master's degree is in Dance/Movement/Therapy, which greatly influences how she sees the body and relates to her students. She specializes in restorative yoga, prenatal yoga, and slow flow, though loves to teach any class. She has three children, owns a jewelry business, and loves to dance.

Kasey Sampson, 200 RYT

Kasey is a 200hr Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Instructor through Soul Culture Yoga School. Kasey first came to her mat in 2007 during her freshman year of college. Here she found deep connection in healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She is a 4th/5th grade teacher and practicing herbalist from the North Shore. Her Vinyasa flow provides strength and stability while focusing on alignment and the body and mind's response to elemental components to support and enhance the practice. 

Kristin Klipp, E-RYT 200, RYT 500, and Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator

Kristin has been practicing yoga for 20 years and teaching it for 8. She started practicing yoga in college as a make-up class and over the years, came back to it again and again. Kristin took her 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and Certification with Barre & Soul Yoga in 2016. Soon after, she became certified as a Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator via a 300 Hour training with the former Trauma Center in Brookline, MA. After finding the corporate world too stressful, Kristin decided to leave the corporate world and start her business, Truth Lives Within.

Through Truth Lives Within, Kristin empowers women to find their intuition, lead from their inner power, and live authentically. By facilitating trauma sensitive yoga, empowerment coaching, and chakra healing energy work, she has found a holistic approach to healing. She uses the wisdom of the chakras to create a framework for healing trauma in her one on one program. Kristin discusses trauma in our everyday lives on her podcast, the Get Loud Podcast and offers workshops that teach tools to heal trauma.

She lives and works from home in Beverly, MA. In her spare time she enjoys taking walks in nature, volunteering at a local horse farm, and spending time with her husband and cat. 

Kristin loves teaching various styles of yoga in studios and with her clients. She often infuses her knowledge of the Chakras in her classes and brings in themes aligned with astrology and the seasons. She can't wait to see you on the mat!

Dawn Savoie, RYT – 200, Yin Yoga & Meditation Certified, Reiki Master

Dawn’s yoga journey started when she was introduced to yoga by her therapist as a compliment to her talk therapy practice. The improvement to her overall wellbeing was so dramatic, she enrolled in teacher training in 2017 with the goal to learn more. At the time, it was not her intention to teach yoga. But by the completion of her 200-hour training, she knew that she wanted to share with others the benefits to the mind, body, and spirit that she experienced while on her mat.

She is steadfast in the principle that yoga is for every-BODY and weaves that core belief throughout every class. You will often hear her say “find your expression of the pose”. It is a gentle reminder to stop comparing yourself to others and instead, go inward and feel the version of the pose that is meant for your body.

Dawn’s classes are intuitively led, guided by the energies of the season, the stars, and her students. Her teaching style is meditative and compassionate, mainly influenced by Yin and Restorative, and often include breathwork, Reiki, and hands-on assists for those open to receiving healing touch.

Marc St Pierre

Marc St Pierre’s yoga classes are coupled with humor and depth.  With over 25 years of practice and teaching, his approach to yoga is well balanced and his classes become a staple for many students for many years.

With knowledge and capability in most forms of yoga, Marc supports practitioners to expand their practice in holistic and nuanced ways, doing so with respect to their experience, ability and current physical state. 

From Australia and Japan to US and Europe, Marc has lead teacher trainings to a vast array of students from many cultures. Internationally, Marc is spoken of with affection and appreciation and as a source for inspiration and guidance. You’ll see his name in three published works by renowned teachers in Germany(Nicole Konrad), Belgium (Joachim Meire,) and Sydney Australia (Duncan Peak.)

Through the observance of Yoga Asana, Marc finds joy in awakening and guiding practitioners to discover a deeper and more fulfilling practice, and ultimately to their radiant selves. 

Laurindo Bettencourt, RYT 200

My practice is rooted in the traditional style of Iyengar and Astanga.

Having taught scuba for 33 years, I was drawn to the practice of yoga out of curiosity. When I started practicing regularly I was amazed by the connection of breath and movement that scuba diving and yoga share. Both require mental and physical discipline.

Having been an athlete most of my life with marathon running and cyclo-cross racing, I found that yoga was the amazing balance of body and mind.

As a teacher I strive to make yoga accessible to people that might be hesitant to practice yoga or think that it might not be for them. My hope is to bring the benefits of regular practice to a wide variety of people.

Tony Leone, RYT-200, 300hr, 100hr

Tony Leone (he/him/his) M.S, RYT-200, 300hr, 100hr is the Program Director at NAGLY (The North Shore Alliance of LGBTQ+ youth) and has 10 years of experience within the field of direct support, training, leadership, and education. Along with a degree in mental health counseling and group support. Prior to beginning his journey, he taught special education and developed his skills for over 6+ years working within the realm of social emotional learning and education.

Tony earned his yoga teaching licensure in multi style yoga, a mindfulness and meditation certification, and a certification in

trauma informed yoga for adolescents. Specializing in Yoga cognitive behavioral therapy (Y-CBT).

Taylor Orton, 200 RYT

My passion for yoga began when I embarked on a significant health journey. Growing up in a larger body, yoga never felt accessible to me. It was not until I met one yoga teacher that changed everything for me. This teacher made me feel comfortable using props, empowered me to modify poses to honor and challenge my own practice and made me feel welcome, safe & strong in a space I had not felt I belonged before. I quickly learned that yoga is as nourishing for the body as it is for the soul and instantly fell more in love with the practice. Because of this, I was inspired to complete her 200h yoga teacher training in Salem, MA in hopes of providing and creating the same experience and space I received to others who come to my classes. My yoga teaching passions are vinyasa & restorative yoga. I love creative flows and transitions and enjoy using music to enhance my class experience (I love song requests!). I am committed to learn, grow and continue my yoga education so I can offer more to this amazing community. I can’t wait to meet you on the mat soon! 

Lauren Foy, 200 RYT

Lauren’s passion for yoga lies in inspiring students to embrace their sense of creativity, find their centered self, and build functional strength. As a young equestrian athlete, Lauren found yoga as a way to help improve her core strength, balance, and body awareness. Yoga quickly grew from a fitness practice to a lifestyle as she began to advance her practice over the years – learning that yoga was a sanctuary where she could find her center and peace of mind, even on the most chaotic days.

Lauren earned her RYT-200 hours certification in Salem, MA, in 2024. She focuses on vinyasa-style yoga using strong yet approachable flows, combining traditional poses and alignment with creative transitions and abundant variations. Lauren is passionate about creating a fun and welcoming space for students of all levels.

Katie Costello, 200 RYT

Katie began her yoga journey 10 years ago. Struggling to manage lifelong anxiety and the stress of completing her undergraduate degree, she knew she needed to do something. Katie found the practice of yoga to support her with managing anxiety, becoming more self-aware and compassionate of her breath, mind, body and soul. After graduating, she worked in the mental health field. She started to share the physical yoga practice with her clients. She observed and experienced the profound effect yoga had on the body and the mind for them as well. Feeling called to bring the same depth and support to others in their practice, Katie completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training in February 2023 through Drishti Beats. She has been teaching classes in the area ever since. 

Katie is dedicated to being an inclusive, safe space for all. Katie loves teaching all styles of yoga, but deeply appreciates a slow flow class amidst the hustle culture of society. Katie loves curating playlists for her classes to match the vibe and enjoys sharing inspirational pieces of writing with her students, such as poetry. Katie prides her teaching to encompass all of yoga, such as the 8 Limbs, yogic historical texts and breathwork/meditation.

Katie lives in Beverly with her partner and her sweet orange cat Peaches. She currently works full time for Harborlight Homes. Katie enjoys deepening her own yoga practice, committed to always learning as a yogi student. In her free time, Katie enjoys going to the beach to pick sea glass, swimming, reading, dancing, and spending time with friends.